BIM POS:Tell us how you’re going to slice this one: “As I mature as a chef, I no longer aim to pack multiple techniques and ingredients into a single dish. Realizing that restraint is more difficult, I find it often renders incredibly beautiful results.”
Chef Ali: Yes; this one is on technique. Well, Chefs surely like to push the operation to see just how vigorous the menu and individual presentations can be. However; complicated doesn’t always mean better and some restraint is to be shown. Generally speaking, the well executed, simple, clean and flavorful preparations and presentations are often the ones that are well received.
BIM POS: But you cater to your guests’ different expectations…
Chef Ali: Absolutely! Take for example the Arabic elderly guests who seeks nostalgia and authenticity in the Lebanese food, contrary to those of foreign and the young generation are open to trendy delicacies.
BIM POS: How about this: “There’s a bond among a kitchen staff, I think. You spend more time with your chef in the kitchen than you do with your own family.”
Chef Ali: This by far is one of the most challenging tasks of a chef; I am certain that the most important to the restaurants success is identifying, finding, training, and retaining an exceptional crew. And this goes along how tactful the Chef is to develop his or her leadership skills.