For COVID-19, we have launched the Contact-less digital menu with QR Code Learn More


different types of restaurants including fine dining

Your guide to the most common types of restaurants

If we wanted to look at the restaurant sector in today’s world and its different types, it’s kind of head-scratching. Recently many...
POS software

6 signs you shouldn't ignore to change your POS

Your point-of-sale software is meant to facilitate your operations and enhance your performance on different levels. It is an...
Short term and long term goals for restaurants

6 long term and short term goals for restaurants to set

As an individual and as a restaurant owner, you cannot make any progress without measuring your performance and setting short term and...
A picture of Everyday bakery café display of cheese and deli fridge

Why to choose BIM POS as your POS provider?

There were days when opening a restaurant or a bakery concerned getting your supplies, choosing your staff and figuring out your...
The Client relationship management feature

What is the CRM feature and why you need one for your restaurant

What is the ultimate thing that keeps your business running? What is the secret for your success? Is it the good food? Or maybe the...
Anthony Rahayel, founder of no garlic mo onions in one of his visits.

For the love of food, an interview with Anthony Rahayel!

Who doesn’t love food? We all sure do and we all recall moments where we drooled over an instagram picture for a juicy burger or a...
A waiter cleaning a table at a restaurant wearing a mask during the pandemic

Covid19 ultimate survival guide for restaurants

2020 has been the nightmare for all of us. A pandemic that took over the world and changed people’s daily habits and enforced new...
