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How to clean POS terminal for corona



At this challenging time our thoughts go out to all our clients and friends around the globe and the millions of businesses affected by the pandemic.

The global spread of COVID-19 is affecting all of us and we wish you, your colleagues and your families, good health.

How we're doing?

At this time BIM POS Worldwide and our global partners are safe and unaffected by the virus. Our head office in Lebanon is partially closed but our teams are working normally from home. If you need to reach out to us, please do not hesitate to contact our office numbers or support hotline by phone or whatsapp and chat with us online.

We Care about you

Now let's highlight on the importance of cleaning your POS hardware to protect yourself and others from the COVID-19 infection.

For all the teams working in retail and hospitality, our hearts go with you and we want you to remain safe during this period.

However, we strongly suggest you to follow the below tips to protect you and others from contagion.

Have you thought about it?

The cash-register area should be cleaned regularly and that includes the Point of sale hardware and their peripherals. The POS screen, credit card terminal, and the cash-drawer devices are a hot spot for contact between your staff and customers, therefore you should clean them very frequently to stop any infection.

How to Clean?

If you are wondering how you can clean them, here are some tips to disinfect these devices.

Our partners, such as Poindus Corporation in Taiwan, have conducted over 1,000 repetitive tests to confirm that wiping with 75% alcohol on the aluminum chassis, plastics covers and displays is highly effective with no damage to the materials. We recommend you use the following method:

Cut off the main power to your POS system & Credit Card Terminal at night or during off-peak hours, including the peripherals (POS terminal, printer, customer display, magnetic card reader, barcode reader, cash drawer); unplug the power cables if possible.

Get your cleaning material, such as lint-free cloth or cotton swab, prepared with cleaning solutions (e.g. 70% isopropyl alcohol). DO NOT use any cleaning solutions that contain Acetone, Nitric acid or Ammonia.

Apply cleaning solution only on the material surface. Gently wipe the exterior surface of your POS devices in a well ventilated environment.

We wish you health and continuity through these tough times.

Stay safe!

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