All about people in business, power, and their tool of the deal: cigars.
From Charlie Chaplin's masterpiece City Lights in 1931 to the most recent decade's runaway success Titanic, cigar smoking has been, without fail, the ascertained gesture to make an influential understatement in the world of business.
“After all, style isn't about being loud but being powerful and cigars are just the right way to say that.” Winston Churchill, John F Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Stalin and Che Guevara – political icons on both sides of the divide – are all well known for their companion piece, the cigar. Men of affluence, and power, have historically indulged in the consumption of fine handcrafted cigars imported from Cuba and Central America.
As well in Beirut, great minds run in the same channel when it comes to cigars. And why not? Cigars in this city are Men’s best friend. Their love for cigars dates way back long.
But just why do people relate corporate success with cigar consumption?
Historical Roots of Business Success and Cigar Consumption
Cigars have customarily been viewed as exclusive, imported, hand-crafted items that corporate and political leaders consume. Even though they may have been around for hundreds of years, cigars became a symbol of wealth, privilege and success during the late 19th and 20th centuries. “Smoking rooms at the turn of the century became places for English aristocrats to retire to after dinner. Men and their (male) guests retreated to the confines of these rooms to discuss the business of the day and any political concerns they might have.” Expensive cigars were accompanied by an equally expensive glass of whisky or cognac. From this time forward, power and success became inevitably linked with smoking well-blended imported cigars.
In Beirut in 1979, LA CASA DEL HABANO has been launched in Beirut International Airport; it was the first Cuban cigar shop ever in an airport at that time. The shop was then named La Casa del Habano in 1997, the first La Casa Del Habano shop in the world at that time. In 2003, the shop was transformed into a 450 sqm area, the current one, and the first VIP Lounge with Casa Del Habano in an airport. Today LA CASA DEL HABANO is an inviting spot for passengers who are successful and powerful in the business world.